|  UNTSO - Truce Supervision Organization (Middle East), 1948-
|  UNMOGIP - Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan, 1949-
|  KOREA - Police Action on the Korean Peninsula, 1950-53
|  UNEF - Emergency Force, (Egypt, Israel), 1956-67
|  UNOGIL - Observation Group in Lebanon, 1958
|  ONUC - Operation in the Congo, 1960-64 (1st ribbon)
|  ONUC - Operation in the Congo, 1960-64 (2nd ribbon)
|  UNSF/UNTEA - Security Force in West New Guinea (West Irian), 1962-63
|  UNYOM - Yemen Observation Mission, 1963-64
|  UNFICYP - Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, 1964-
|  UNIPOM - India-Pakistan Observation Mission. 1965-66
|  UNEFII - Emergency Force II (Mid. East), 1973-79
|  UNDOF - Disengagement Observer Force (Golan), 1974-
|  UNIFIL - Interim Force in Lebanon, 1978-
|  UNGOMAP - Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan & Pakistan (UNTSO Force), 1988-90
|  UNGOMAP - Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan & Pakistan (UNDOF Force), 1988-90
|  OSGAP - Office of the Secretary General for Afghanistan & Pakistan (UNIFIL Force), 1990
|  UNIIMOG - Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group, 1988-91
|  UNAVEM - Angola Verification Mission, 1989-97
|  UNTAG - Transition Assistance Group (Namibia), 1989-90
|  ONUCA - Observer Group in Central America, 1989-92
|  UNIKOM - Iraq/Kuwait Observation Mission (Iraq/Kuwait), 1991-
|  ONUSAL - Observer Mission in El Salvador, 1991-95
|  MINURSO - Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, 1991-
|  UNAMIC - Advance Mission in Cambodia, 1991-92
|  UNPROFOR - Protective Force (Bosnia-Herzegovina), 1992-95
|  UNTAC - Transitional Authority in Cambodia, 1992-93
|  UNOSOM - Operation in Somalia, 1992-95
|  ONUMOZ - Operation in Mozambique, 1992-95
|  UNOMUR - Observer Mission in Uganda-Rwanda, 1993-94
|  UNOMIG - Observer Mission in Georgia, 1993-
|  UNOMIL - Observer Mission in Liberia, 1993-97
|  UNMIH/UNSMIH/UNTMIH/MIPONUH/ MICAH - Peacekeeping Missions in Haiti, 1993-
|  UNAMIR - Assistance Mission for Rwanda, 1993-96
|  MINUGUA - Verification Mission in Guatemala, 1994-97
|  UNMOT - Mission of Observers in Tajikistan, 1994-2000
|  UNCRO - Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, 1995-96
|  UNPREDEP - Preventive Deployment Force (Macedonia), 1995-99
|  UNMIBH - Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1995-
|  UNTAES - Transitional Administration for E. Slavonia (Baranja & W. Sirmium), 1996-98
|  UNMOP - Military Observer Mission in Prevlaka, 1996-
|  UNPSG - Police Support Group (Croatia) 1997-98
|  MINURCA - Verification Mission in the Central African Republic, 1998-2000
|  UNOMSIL - Observer Mission in Sierra Leone, 1998-
|  UNMIK - Mission in Kosovo, 1999-
|  UNAMET/UNTAET/UNMISET - Assistance/Transitional/Support Mission in East Timor, 1999-02/02-05
|  MONUC - Observer Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2000-
|  UNMEE - Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea, 2000-
|  UNMIL - Mission in Liberia, 2003-
|  UNMINUCI - Mission in Côte d'Ivoire, 2003-04
|  UNOCI - Operation in Côte d'Ivoire, 2004-
|  MINUSTAH - Stabilization Mission in Haiti, 2004-
|  UNONUB - Operation in Burundi, 2004-
|  UNMIS - Mission in the Sudan, 2005-
|  UNMIT - Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste, 2006-
|  UNAMID - African Union/United Nations Hybrid operation in Darfur, 2007- (2008)
|  UNAMID - African Union/United Nations Hybrid operation in Darfur, 2007- (2008) (alternative ribbon)
|  MINURCAT - Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad 2007- (2008)
|  UNSSM - Special Service Medal, 1974- (1995)
|  UNHQ - Headquarters Service Medal, 1974-
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